Google had a problem with SERPs

Yesterday Google was having some error with their search engine. Maxim yesterday reported to Google that he is receiving a strange kind of SERPs from Google when he is trying to search on with “site:www”. Later Philipp Lenssen from Google Blogoscoped posted it and was […]

Internet Radio by SANYO

Internet radio technology is simply amazing,all you gotta do is connect to the internet and you would get thousands of radio stations.Music lovers always get amuzed with such gadgets.SANYO has introduced a new internet radio that connects via WiFi and Ethernet.

Google Chrome 2.0 Beta

Google yesterday released the newer version of its web browser Google Chrome 2.0 beta. This shows the Google team who is working on the web browser project is working like a horse 24/7 to bring out something much better. At the full release of Google […]