Gmail Username with unique feature

Gmail by GoogleGmail has a very unique and cool feature with the usernames. Previously wrote an article “Gmail Bug With UserID” but after getting the response from users and my friends, I realized I made a mistake and the article was totally wrong. Gmail does not have a bug, rather it is a unique feature with its usernames. If you have an account then or are referred to the same username.

After getting the response from my friends @skdev and @adeelahmad I tried emailing myself in different ways. I mailed myself with talal.masood @ gmail .com and also talalmas.ood @ gmail .com and other things. I received all the emails to my original id talalmasood. When I checked that email, right beside the TO: address I found a link to google help about this feature (Receiving Someone else email). This totally explained me the feature of this google’s dot thing the usernames.

[ad#ad-taalz-inpost-left]On the other hand Gmail also gives the + (plus sign) feature with username. If you have you can also use and all the emails to this address will be sent to your original email address that is With the help of this you can identify different emails. For instance I signup on many different forums of Anime Cartoons so while signing up with those forums I can use, with that I can distinguish between different emails (kind of filter service). This thing can also prevent me from getting spam messages. For instance while signing up to some website, lets say I used the email address as And If this website starts to send me spam, I can easily identify and block it in my gmail.

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