Since a very long time Apple Mac had been hitting on PC with different kind of weird ad commercials across the globe and had been degrading the PC users. Finally Microsoft is back in action and started a new campaign with “I’m a PC”. PC […]
Tag: HP
CES2009, this year’s first high tech event
Years and years passing by with a new invention or discovery being made on the daily basis. The year 2009 brings the first high tech event in Los Vegas, USA. CES2009 was a breaking event for the high tech society and fans today. Microsoft, Panasonic, […]
Three new HP Calculators
HP has introduced three new calclutaors for three different purposes,but all of these three do the same thing “calculate” .First is the HP SmartCalc 300,second HP Easy Calc 100 and the third one HP Office 300.Lets see more of these calculators.