Mozilla Firefox removed the status bar / page load progress bar /download status bar from the newest version Firefox 4. I have no idea why they did it, but unfortunately they removed the status bar from Firefox 4. The reason most probably is to give […]
Tag: Mozilla Firefox 4
Firefox 4 Gets 7.1Million Downloads in 24Hours
Firefox 4, the new version of Firefox released on 22nd March, got 7.1 million downloads worldwide in 24 hours. So, if someone asks, How many times Firefox 4 was downloaded in 24hours? You got the answer, its 7.1 million. But still wasn’t good enough to […]
How to Fix WebGL Not Supported Issue in Mozilla Firefox?
Mozilla Firefox 4 which was released yesterday has revamped totally. The outlook of firefox 4 is better and quite improved one which give more space for the websites to be displayed. The tabs are neat and clean, and the browser it self is quite fast […]
Download New Mozilla Firefox 4 Before Release Date of 22nd March
Mozilla Firefox is the only browser on Windows platform which broke the backbone of Microsoft in the browser industry. Firefox was liked and loved by people all over the world and later Microsoft had to include the option for user choice of web browser while […]