Yesterday I posted the first hands-on photos of Nokia X7. Today I did the Gorilla Glass screen scratching and break test. I have recorded the video and used a sharp key, edge of the USB cable and the sharp corner of the paper clip pin. The body of Nokia X7 is very beautiful and perfectly built and without any doubt Nokia is still one of the best mobile phone manufacturing companies. Read more to see the video of me scratching Nokia X7.
[youtube pRJrkRssHlc]
I applied quite a but of pressure while doing these tests. It may appear in the video that I am not putting the pressure and to make sure I tapped the screen too with those sharp edges. Still there were no scratches on the screen and it was crystal clear. Gorilla Glass does not mean that it will never break, yes at certain angles it does. Few days back I posted about the broken Samsung Galaxy S gorilla screen.
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